viernes, 29 de febrero de 2008

The trial...

This is one of the years when you get an extra day. Actually I'm living in this one.

After several years of thinking and not thinking about what to write on my blog, this year seems different. A lot of things are making some kind of sense. Since yesterday I had a good feeling about how the things were going. Maybe it was the partial solution.

I decided to bring all my new year's resolutions that I wrote some day that I was feeling really sad. This has changed a little. Now I see how the things have turned to be. It wasn't what I was thinking, maybe it was. But now is different at least on the other side, and clearly there is an advantage about taking resolutions for the own benefit.

Here are mines:

1. To loose weight (Actually I'm on it, two weeks by today)
2. Pay at least two credit cards ( I'm on it, it's gonna take a little of time :S)
3. Do some exercise (Actually I'm smoking sometimes so I discard this for now)
4. Enter to the school (I have done the application, I hope this be real on May)
5. Be more sociable (At least I'm updating my hi5 and facebook, sarcasm is getting worst everyday).
6. Buy new clothes (Ok, this is gonna take some time, see point: 2).
7. Eat Healthy ( See point 1, is working).
8. Quit smoking (This point is related to the points: 1,3,5,7...and some others. I can quit whenever I want ).
9. Get at least two IT Certifications. (Well I realy have to do something about this point, and forget point: 5).
10. Learn to play guitar (Ok, yesterday I made the first step trying to contact to my father, is a long story, but there is a guitar on it).
11. Take care of my best friends. (Ok, this has to be with point 5 and 8).
12. Start a bussines.
13. To travel to know some interesting places. (Definitively a HAVE TO).
14. Start a new photo album (I think I have lost my inspirations I used to have before, is also point 13 related).
15. Learn another language (Mmm I think this point is gonna take a long time if I decide to emphasize the points below).

Well I decided to post this because these points seemed fair enough to me. They were on paper and who trust on a piece of paper????

I hope to keep updating my blog constantly. You know when you feel you are alright you forget the things that used to make you feel better.

The things are going quite smooth. Now I only see that I'm the one who suffer for being wrong. No more bad choices.